The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Extraterrestrials - Friends or Enslavers

To the left is NASA's photo of the Earth - labeled The Blue Marble. It is gorgeous. Have you ever wondered why there is such a proliferation of extraterrestrial visitations and interest? Their visitations are recorded back into ancient history. Earthlings were primitive beings 450,000 years ago when the Annunaki from the planet Nibiru discovered the Earth while seeking gold to seed the atmosphere of their planet whose elongated orbit needed it to bring light when the planet was its furthest from the sun. I won't go into the history of the Annunaki because Zechariah Sitchen's books give excellent information about the settlements and also how the eartling inhabitants were genetically engineered with the Annunaki to bring forth the human form as we know today.
The chief scientist was a woman named Ninhursag or Mammy. She, together with her half-brother Enki created a worker being for the gold mines and we evolved. They did not create the intelligence that inhabits the body. No, we are inhabited by our individual connection to the Great Creator that some call God. Therefore, we are gods operating a human body through our brain. I have heard Ramtha say that the human brain is the greatest computer ever created. In fact, the human brain has unlimited possibilities.
What does this have to do with extraterrestrials, or ET's? For one thing, there have been visitations for eons. There has been numerous books written about them, in addition to movies such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind-1977 by Steven Spielberg. Spielberg went on to make E.T. and the Star Wars movies. In addition we have Gene Roddenberry's great television series Star Trek. The movies and the television series sparked an interest in the minds of the American public. Are these movies only entertainment, or are they giving us a message?
We also have many reports of alien abductions, cattle mutilations and the suppression by our government re UFOs and Area 51. I have read countless articles and books. I have watched videos and I did this as an observer, because I wasn't too sure who were the good aliens and who were the bad ones. Recently a friend loaned me a book and this book sparked an interest in me. I felt like that at last, I had an answer to many of my questions.
Actually there are two books by Marshall Vian Summers titled The Allies of Humanity - Book 1 and the same title - Book 2, which have given me a different perspective than most books and reports. There are numerous civilizations living in this quadrant of the Milky Way. Why would we need to contact them with radio when they can read our minds? I now understand that Star Trek and Star Wars do have some merit, because these civilizations of entities do travel around the galaxy on trade routes and conducting commerce. What is their commerce? Technology, resources and biological resources.
Yes, they have given governments of the planet technology with Hitler being one. No wonder our government doesn't want to admit that they are here, because we are getting technology from them all the time. This planet is a jewel and the earth resources are tremendously prized. The biological resources of this planet are prized too--especially the humans.
I contemplated what I read and I realize that we humans have a superior brain that can access anything and anywhere. Why is it limited? We have been kept dumbed down and therefore we are an enslaved species. For the most part, we humans have been kept in the syndrome of good and bad. There have been wars for eons. Our focus has not been on developing our minds, which is done by using our brains. Our brains have endless neuron networks. In my father's house are many mansions, and these mansions are visited when we change our attitudes, our beliefs and become open-minded to new ideas and new concepts.
Summers who writes for the Allies wrote: "Knowledge is the only part of you that cannot be manipulated or influenced. It is the source of all wise understanding and actions." Knowledge in this context refers to spiritual Knowledge--not religion. There is a vast difference. Spiritual Knowledge is to realize that the Creator or God resides within each individual and can be accessed at any moment. We do not need a religion to interpret for us. The Allies gave three principles to develop within each of us individually and those are Knowledge, freedom and strength.
Strength can imply different meanings. For me, I interpret this to mean developing the power of my mind and I know I won't do this if I hold on to the past, fear, anger, resentments, being a victim to whatever we think prevents us from living a life of joy and abundance. There is no savior outside of our self. We have to be our own saviors. If we do not develop this aspect of our self, then we become enslaved to the whims and ideals of others and this includes those who do not live on this planet. It is something to think about.

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