The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Last spring during a book signing, I noticed a man wearing a baseball hat with the word Imagine emblazoned on the front of it. I complimented the man on his choice and he promptly took it off and gave the cap to me. I wore the cap a few times and it wasn't until this past week that someone noticed the words on the cap and thought it was Imagenie. We commented on the word and I began thinking about the power this one word has. Imagine.

I have a love for words and when I began examining the word, I realized it is filled with power. The first two letters are im or I am. I am is a decree. When ever we say I am sick, behold--we are sick. We can also say I am wealthy and if we accept it, then we are.

Embedded in the word imagine is the word magi. Magi has an exotic sounding and this is primarily from being mentioned in the Bible as the wise men who came to see Jesus when he was born. Where did they come from? Some say from Persia. I have my own interpretation and that is the Magi were teachers from the Ancient Schools of Wisdom and Jesus learned from them.

Another word within the word imagine is magic if we add the letter 'c'. Ah, the magician who conjures up something miraculous. Many people of today look upon them as illusionists or charlatans. Some could be and then, there is a latent magician within each of us waiting to be used.

Returning to my friend first seeing the word Imagenie on my cap, we can now see that by adding an e that we now have I'm a genie and as I have written in my book Awakening the Genie Within, it is true. Each of us has the power of imagination to bring forth that which we truly desire when we can put away doubt and fear. The genie is the spirit within--the giver of all desires if we don't cancel them out with doubts and fears. We are the genius, the magi, the magician and we only have to imagine by placing a visual image behind our forehead. Voila! We have the Magic Key to the future ~ Imagine.
John Lennon's songs are filled with magic. Here are the words to his Imagine. Enjoy.

Imagine ~ John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Monday, September 15, 2008


This morning the thought came to me about our invisible life. Few of us give much thought to how much of our life is invisible. We are caught up in what we see, touch, feel, taste and smell. I contemplated the invisibility of my life and came to the conclusion that each of us lives in a world that is mostly invisible. For instance, we live in a web of entangled rules and regulations. These came about because someone or some group created them and put them down on paper. These laws and regulations only exist on paper. They are not tangible, but the majority of us accept them. Have you ever actually ever seen a law? What does it look like? We only know the consequences if we are caught not obeying the law or the regulation. Thus, we are governed by a belief system that is invisible. Sometimes these invisible laws appear to strangle us.

Another invisible belief is debt. Have you ever seen a debt? It only exists due to a belief system that if we purchase a piece of property and do not pay cash for it, then we get a mortgage and a debt with interest. Where does the debt exist? There are words and numbers on paper and an entry on a computer. The same goes for a credit card, and if a payment isn't received on time, then we have to pay more. Debt is not tangible. It is only something we believe is real.

Money is also invisible and only represented by a coin, paper and our agreement that it is real. Have you ever seen actual money, or are you accepting coin, paper and credit cards as money? It is something to think about.

Our lives are governed by what we agree to and accept. People's lives are governed by invisible beliefs and customs. Religions tell us that God is outside of people and only a priest, preacher, pastor or minister can interpret what God's laws are and how we should live. Have you ever wondered how they know that God is outside the human? It is all invisible information handed down in ignorance. The Holy Bible was written by men and re-interpreted by men down through the ages. It is only a road-map or a treasure map according to what one's beliefs are.

The beliefs we accept are invisible and operate on a frequency. It is similar to a radio frequency. It depends on what station we are tuned into. Our emotions determine our frequencies. Our emotions are invisible, but we experience the frequency of the emotion. Too often people get stuck in their web of unseen frequencies and become ill, feel like they are tied down by responsibilities, hate their jobs, hold on to grudges, anger, hatred, sorrow, regret, guilt and these emotional frequencies only tighten the invisible noose of the frequency web.

When we say I can't or it is too hard, then it is because of the frequency emitted. However, if we turn it around and say or think it's possible or I can, then we allow new possibilities to come to us. It has taken me a life-time to arrive at these conclusions that I am sharing now.

First, I want to point out that we are living in a world of positives and negatives, which are something like a see-saw. When our beliefs, thoughts and words we say reflect negatives then we tap into that frequency. The same goes true for positive and this means that we will have our ups and our downs. When we recognize that our ups and downs are created by our thoughts, words and beliefs, then we can change and ride the wave, so to speak.

Too often people will think that by being positive all the time is the secret, but unless our basic beliefs are changed we bounce back and forth. I have changed a multitude of beliefs and it is something like peeling an onion--layer by layer. The more I become detached and observe a belief or a situation, the more I am at peace within myself. Peace is born within the mind and we are the creators of our mind. It is something to think about.

Peace be unto you.