The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Friday, December 5, 2008


BE A SHIFT-CHANGER WITH THE "FREEDOM NOW" PROJECT, a world focus to bring forth a shift on this planet. This concept is simple and anyone can do it. It costs no money and the time in participating is minimal.

Freedom is a mode of living desired by most people. My knowledge and understanding is that people want freedom from oppression, poverty, wars, prejudices, enslavement and whatever you want to encompass in the thought of Freedom.
Love is a power that can change anything if we accept love and believe in love. Love has a frequency that can overpower hatred, anger, prejudices and bigotry. Love looks beyond the outward appearances and true love is unconditional. We do not force the shifts--we allow them to happen.
Gratitude is being thankful for life, what we are, what we have and by offering gratitude we send out the frequency that we are being thankful that our efforts are already accomplished. The shifts desired are accomplished. Gratitude is to never deviate from the desired outcome. Gratitude is picturing our desire as having already happened.
Love + Gratitude = Freedom = Peace.
The intent of The For Freedom Now Project is to create a shift in the world from abuse, discrimination, bigotry, poverty, anger, hatred, wars, and enslavement through the use of love and gratitude. As an experiment, there is nothing to lose. We have everything to gain. Today there are enormous challenges for all of us all over the world. There is war, the killing and maiming of women, children and men. There is a global collapsing of the economy, women have not become full-fledged participants on the world stage and there continues to be the suppression of women's rights, rape, and abuse along with the abuse of children. World hunger is escalating and instead of this being an evolving world; the appearances are that it is on a downward spiral.

This is the time to heal our woundedness. Women have carried woundedness in their souls for eons. Now is the opportunity to heal and to give to the world a shift that will enable it to evolve into something greater. From my mind came the concept of a world focus to bring forth a shift on this planet. This concept is simple and anyone can do it. It costs no money and the time in participating is minimal.

As an addendum to the focusing on love and gratitude, here are two affirmations that are suggested to repeat often during your day:
I am always filled with love and gratitude for my life.
I have always loved and appreciated me.


By linking our intents, we make a difference as Shift-Changers.
~ Once a day—morning or night, we each enter the quiet place in our minds in a meditative or prayerful state. When we enter our closet of silence, we mentally link with those unseen and unknown people in the world who volunteered for this project.
~ We link with these like minds by visualizing a net covering the globe – the Earth. At each cross-section, we each become a point of light. The lines represents the intent of love and gratitude connecting us.
~ We begin projecting love and gratitude into this net all over the world and visualize it moving all around the world. (We do not have to meet in person. We can link with our minds from our homes and whatever country we live in.)
~ We will do this daily for 60 days or longer. It is not required that we do this at a specific time. The only request is that you make the time available in your life to link with the others participating in this project.
~ You are asked to keep a record of any shifts you notice in your life and in the world and to email me this information.

Having attended an academy of the mind for twenty years, I have learned the power of words, the frequencies and about quantum physics. From this, I learned that the observer could change anything. From this school came the movie What the Bleep when Ramtha directed William Arntz, a student to make it. This movie became a worldwide success and Arntz with current students at that time—Betsy Chasse and Mark Vincente created a memorable movie with top scientists, one of which was Dr. John Hagelin. Before the movie was made, I heard Dr. Hagelin speak and he told of an experiment that his group in Iowa who practiced Transcendental Meditation chose to focus on Washington D.C. with their purpose being to change the crime rate. As I recall, they did this for 60 days and the statistical results is that 4,000 participants from 81 countries using T.M. focused on the reduction of homicides, rapes and assaults. After the 60 days, the D.C. police department showed that the crime rate went down over 20%.
According to an interview with Dr. Hagelin, he said: "The impact of our actions, individually and collectively, is inconceivably vast. We can all appreciate to some extent, the environmental impact of polluting behavior. But based on what we now know about the universe, the true impact of our actions is far broader. For example, chaos theory has established that even our most minute actions can have incalculably large effects. This places a great burden of responsibility on everyone. Exercising common sense consideration and care towards our environment is a good start. If we really want to protect our planet against the negative effects of human behavior, we must bring our thinking and action into spontaneous accord with Natural Law. We must align our behavior with the universal intelligence that governs the universe and sustains millions of species on Earth." Dr. Hagelin went on to say, "The development of our total brain potential and the resulting expansion of human comprehension to be universal should be the goal of education today." In 1994 Dr. Hagelin was awarded a lg Nobel Prize based on the above study and presented by genuine Nobel laureates.
If 4,000 people focusing on reducing the crime rate in Washington D.C. can reduce it within a 60-day period, then if we link minds with more than 4,000 people we can create a shift towards freedom and peace in the world. Please join me in participating in this great experiment.

Passion is an interesting word with a variation of meanings, i.e. the powerful emotion of love, joy, hatred or anger. It also encompasses a strong sexual desire such as lust. There is another aspect of passion that I have and that is enthusiasm. I have a passion or enthusiasm to right the wrongs done to women over the eons. I have a passion to see the end of racial hatred and prejudice. I have a passion to see the end of the abuse of children, women and all people. I have the passion to see an end to poverty. I have passion to see the unlimited potentials flower in all people. I have a passion for life.
I grew up in segregated Texas in the midst of bigotry and prejudice. When I entered the Foreign Service, U.S. State Department and worked in the embassies in Paris and Tokyo, an entire new world opened up for me and it was easy to shed the prejudices and bigotry. I will admit there was a residue within me until I received an important education from a Japanese friend when I lived in Hawaii. She told me she was 12 years of age when the Americans arrived at the end of WWII. She lived in Osaka and she said they could smell the Americans before they could see them. I was shocked. It had never dawned on me that Americans could smell. We discussed this and, she went on to tell me that the Americans cooked differently and these odors mixed with the shaving creams, toothpaste, deodorants, shoe polish, the canvas tents, clothing created an odor that was not Japanese. This triggered a memory in me of riding a crowded bus with black people in Houston, Texas before I moved away from Texas. Their odor was overpowering and foreign to me. It was years later while driving through Birmingham, Alabama on a November day that I smelled the same odor. I realized that these people cooked on wood stoves and ate different foods from me. This realization was the last residue of any prejudices I had of black people. We never look beyond the surface. My lesson was not to judge but to look beyond the surface.

It is so easy to create a bias or prejudice when something is different from what is in our own small world. During these elections in the U.S., racial discrimination reared its ugly head. The slurs and lies created only harm each of us. I have contemplated what I want to see in this world and that is freedom from the thoughts and beliefs that bind us to the outmoded past. In order to be free, I realize that we must give up these old beliefs and see with a new perspective. I have thought of the attributes of freedom and the following is what has come to me.

Love is an attribute of freedom, because true love looks beyond the outward appearances. Most people love conditionally all over the world. Often it is thought love is felt or given if it is to a lover, a child, one's family, or to those who think the same way as we do. Too often, we withhold love from those who need it the most. Questions I have asked myself: Can I love the derelict on the street? Am I able to love someone who is crippled, ugly and deformed? Can I love a murderer? Can I love a rapist? Can I love a beggar? Can I love one who has opposing views? Can I love an abuser? Can I love a raciest, a bigot, a liar or a pornographer? These are some of the questions I have asked myself when I am tempted to condemn and judge. This does not mean I have to love and approve of their behavior or their actions.

Gratitude is appreciation. If you are reading this, then it indicates you are alive. Be thankful for life. I can look back on all the adversities in my life and realize they have brought me to this point in my life. I can now see the jewels of wisdom that emerged from them. By being a shift-changer, your own life will change. Are we seeing the glass half-full, or are we seeing it half-empty? The majority of people do not realize that by changing one attitude—one belief that they make a difference in the world.

Recently I re-read Morning of the Magicians and came across this quote from an obscure book titled Where is the World Going? by Walter Rathenau who was assassinated in 1922. This
most troubled epoch is worthy of respect, because it is the work not just of a few people but of humanity; and thus it is the work of creative nature—which is cruel but never absurd. If this epoch in which we are living is a cruel one it is more than ever our duty to love it, to penetrate it with our love till we have removed the heavy weight of matter screening the light that shines on the farther side. Even the After contemplating this quote, I realize that in order to have freedom and peace, we must indeed love our enemies even though we do not condone their actions. We must look beyond the surface and see the core of them—the connection to the Creator. This does not mean we have to invite them into our homes, but we can love the hidden divine spark in them.

How do we deflect anger, hurt, and attacks? We do not retaliate. Instead, we send out the frequency of love and it is said love conquers all—a quote from Virgil's Eclogue X--his poems Eclogues. The frequency of love is higher than the frequency of hatred. We only give power to hatred when we accept it. We also give gratitude for who we are, what we have and the mind to focus and create a shift in this world. Please join me in this project. The greatest of things are achieved with a light heart. – Ramtha
Bettye Johnson
