The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Monday, August 11, 2008


As I peruse Internet and blogs, I am noting that many people give their power away to something outside of them. During the early days of my awakening, I investigated many avenues and realized that they were things and people outside of myself. There are a number of beliefs that by chanting a mantra, using crystals, using crosses, bibles, fortune tellers, tarot cards, horoscopes and other modalities that one's life will change for the better. Perhaps it will--for awhile. It was as though someone or something outside of me would do the changing for me. At first I thought there was something wrong with me until I realized that there is something right about me. I was awakening into my power.

We also give our power away to the medical profession, i.e. physicians and medications. As I peruse these blogs and articles, I sigh and wonder when will people become aware that the power is really within them. However, as the supposedly "good book" states, It is done unto you as you believe. This is a truth. If one accepts, which means believes a death sentence given by a physician, then the person will die. I know, because my deceased sister accepted this sentence and refused to accept prayers from various religious denominations or even attempted to use another modality of healing.

This goes also for diets and dieting. I know that diets are never lasting unless the root cause is realized and dealt with. We think we are overweight, but according to whose standards? When we accept someone's reality that an ideal weight is such and such, then we have given our power away. If we think we are not pretty or handsome, and we fall into the trap of using the right code of dress, hair style, etc, we are giving our power away.

The power within us is powerful and just waiting to be acknowledge. It is time for us to think for ourselves and not let special interests or people dictate to us how to think, act or dress. There is a genie lurking inside of us just waiting to be activated. We never have to be abused and we never have to be 'put down.' It really comes down to beliefs and attitudes and these we can change. What is it that we accept? What is it we want to change? How to we regain our power?
I share my journey into awakening in my book Awakening the Genie Within. I share tools that I used to help me. Change is an inside job and by changing our beliefs, we empower our self.

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