The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Captured Minds

Yesterday I was reading an article by the late Alan Watts, a philosopher. It was a brilliant short piece about men's clothing. I learned that it was in England where the sobriety in men's clothing began in the 19th century. Watts derided the shackle business suits are for men. What does this have to do with captured minds? Think about it. Very little has changed in the style of men's suits since Beau Brummel first made them popular. I remember noticing on a trip to Germany in the late 1970's a group of businessmen in a posh hotel bar and they almost looked cloned in their dark suits--black or dark gray--and white shirts with a conservative tie. This style of dress for men has a subliminal message of power and of course, if a man in business in the corporate world wants to get ahead, then he must dress conservatively. He wants to be one of the 'boys.'

This subliminal message spills over to their private lives. The majority of men fall for the subliminal programming that a man must be macho, he must be the boss of his woman or the women who work for him. Included in this is the military and their brutal programming and they have to have it in order to kill the enemy. A majority of men come under the spell of sports, video games, hunting, partying, bars, and seducing women, while others are derided because they enjoy other pursuits.

It is no wonder that we have temper-tantrums of rage and there is now an epidemic of road rage, office rage, golf rage, wife beating and other forms of rage. It is a sickness of the spirit and most men do not recognize it and have no knowledge of how to deal with their rage. They succumb to alcoholism or drug abuse.

Women have been taught to suppress their rage, but they have also been programmed by society, religions and advertising. Women's rage comes out in various forms such as jealousy, petty gossip, envy, nagging and thinking they have to please a man or look good to attract a man. Women are emerging into the realization that they are intelligent and yet, they fight the battle in the business, scientific and government worlds. It's hard for men who are entrenched in those areas to accept that women could be smarter than they are.

The abuse of women in relationships has become rampant and if you beat someone up enough, then the brain goes into a mode of acceptance and it is difficult for a woman to leave the abuse. Many women also succum to alcoholism, drugs and abuse their children. Theirs is indeed a captured mind. Change is possible and it takes courage to move from abuse to wholeness.

I have written a book about changing the mind. It is a simple book filled with tools I used in my own journey from ignorance into knowing. The title is Awakening the Genie Within. Most people only need the desire to change because they realize their life is not working for them. I understand and this is why I am sharing a portion of my awakening. This book has just been released and is not available on or yet. However, it may be purchased from my website

The book is a roadmap to freedom of the mind. Enjoy and your comments are appreciated.
Bettye Johnson

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