The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Friday, December 5, 2008


BE A SHIFT-CHANGER WITH THE "FREEDOM NOW" PROJECT, a world focus to bring forth a shift on this planet. This concept is simple and anyone can do it. It costs no money and the time in participating is minimal.

Freedom is a mode of living desired by most people. My knowledge and understanding is that people want freedom from oppression, poverty, wars, prejudices, enslavement and whatever you want to encompass in the thought of Freedom.
Love is a power that can change anything if we accept love and believe in love. Love has a frequency that can overpower hatred, anger, prejudices and bigotry. Love looks beyond the outward appearances and true love is unconditional. We do not force the shifts--we allow them to happen.
Gratitude is being thankful for life, what we are, what we have and by offering gratitude we send out the frequency that we are being thankful that our efforts are already accomplished. The shifts desired are accomplished. Gratitude is to never deviate from the desired outcome. Gratitude is picturing our desire as having already happened.
Love + Gratitude = Freedom = Peace.
The intent of The For Freedom Now Project is to create a shift in the world from abuse, discrimination, bigotry, poverty, anger, hatred, wars, and enslavement through the use of love and gratitude. As an experiment, there is nothing to lose. We have everything to gain. Today there are enormous challenges for all of us all over the world. There is war, the killing and maiming of women, children and men. There is a global collapsing of the economy, women have not become full-fledged participants on the world stage and there continues to be the suppression of women's rights, rape, and abuse along with the abuse of children. World hunger is escalating and instead of this being an evolving world; the appearances are that it is on a downward spiral.

This is the time to heal our woundedness. Women have carried woundedness in their souls for eons. Now is the opportunity to heal and to give to the world a shift that will enable it to evolve into something greater. From my mind came the concept of a world focus to bring forth a shift on this planet. This concept is simple and anyone can do it. It costs no money and the time in participating is minimal.

As an addendum to the focusing on love and gratitude, here are two affirmations that are suggested to repeat often during your day:
I am always filled with love and gratitude for my life.
I have always loved and appreciated me.


By linking our intents, we make a difference as Shift-Changers.
~ Once a day—morning or night, we each enter the quiet place in our minds in a meditative or prayerful state. When we enter our closet of silence, we mentally link with those unseen and unknown people in the world who volunteered for this project.
~ We link with these like minds by visualizing a net covering the globe – the Earth. At each cross-section, we each become a point of light. The lines represents the intent of love and gratitude connecting us.
~ We begin projecting love and gratitude into this net all over the world and visualize it moving all around the world. (We do not have to meet in person. We can link with our minds from our homes and whatever country we live in.)
~ We will do this daily for 60 days or longer. It is not required that we do this at a specific time. The only request is that you make the time available in your life to link with the others participating in this project.
~ You are asked to keep a record of any shifts you notice in your life and in the world and to email me this information.

Having attended an academy of the mind for twenty years, I have learned the power of words, the frequencies and about quantum physics. From this, I learned that the observer could change anything. From this school came the movie What the Bleep when Ramtha directed William Arntz, a student to make it. This movie became a worldwide success and Arntz with current students at that time—Betsy Chasse and Mark Vincente created a memorable movie with top scientists, one of which was Dr. John Hagelin. Before the movie was made, I heard Dr. Hagelin speak and he told of an experiment that his group in Iowa who practiced Transcendental Meditation chose to focus on Washington D.C. with their purpose being to change the crime rate. As I recall, they did this for 60 days and the statistical results is that 4,000 participants from 81 countries using T.M. focused on the reduction of homicides, rapes and assaults. After the 60 days, the D.C. police department showed that the crime rate went down over 20%.
According to an interview with Dr. Hagelin, he said: "The impact of our actions, individually and collectively, is inconceivably vast. We can all appreciate to some extent, the environmental impact of polluting behavior. But based on what we now know about the universe, the true impact of our actions is far broader. For example, chaos theory has established that even our most minute actions can have incalculably large effects. This places a great burden of responsibility on everyone. Exercising common sense consideration and care towards our environment is a good start. If we really want to protect our planet against the negative effects of human behavior, we must bring our thinking and action into spontaneous accord with Natural Law. We must align our behavior with the universal intelligence that governs the universe and sustains millions of species on Earth." Dr. Hagelin went on to say, "The development of our total brain potential and the resulting expansion of human comprehension to be universal should be the goal of education today." In 1994 Dr. Hagelin was awarded a lg Nobel Prize based on the above study and presented by genuine Nobel laureates.
If 4,000 people focusing on reducing the crime rate in Washington D.C. can reduce it within a 60-day period, then if we link minds with more than 4,000 people we can create a shift towards freedom and peace in the world. Please join me in participating in this great experiment.

Passion is an interesting word with a variation of meanings, i.e. the powerful emotion of love, joy, hatred or anger. It also encompasses a strong sexual desire such as lust. There is another aspect of passion that I have and that is enthusiasm. I have a passion or enthusiasm to right the wrongs done to women over the eons. I have a passion to see the end of racial hatred and prejudice. I have a passion to see the end of the abuse of children, women and all people. I have the passion to see an end to poverty. I have passion to see the unlimited potentials flower in all people. I have a passion for life.
I grew up in segregated Texas in the midst of bigotry and prejudice. When I entered the Foreign Service, U.S. State Department and worked in the embassies in Paris and Tokyo, an entire new world opened up for me and it was easy to shed the prejudices and bigotry. I will admit there was a residue within me until I received an important education from a Japanese friend when I lived in Hawaii. She told me she was 12 years of age when the Americans arrived at the end of WWII. She lived in Osaka and she said they could smell the Americans before they could see them. I was shocked. It had never dawned on me that Americans could smell. We discussed this and, she went on to tell me that the Americans cooked differently and these odors mixed with the shaving creams, toothpaste, deodorants, shoe polish, the canvas tents, clothing created an odor that was not Japanese. This triggered a memory in me of riding a crowded bus with black people in Houston, Texas before I moved away from Texas. Their odor was overpowering and foreign to me. It was years later while driving through Birmingham, Alabama on a November day that I smelled the same odor. I realized that these people cooked on wood stoves and ate different foods from me. This realization was the last residue of any prejudices I had of black people. We never look beyond the surface. My lesson was not to judge but to look beyond the surface.

It is so easy to create a bias or prejudice when something is different from what is in our own small world. During these elections in the U.S., racial discrimination reared its ugly head. The slurs and lies created only harm each of us. I have contemplated what I want to see in this world and that is freedom from the thoughts and beliefs that bind us to the outmoded past. In order to be free, I realize that we must give up these old beliefs and see with a new perspective. I have thought of the attributes of freedom and the following is what has come to me.

Love is an attribute of freedom, because true love looks beyond the outward appearances. Most people love conditionally all over the world. Often it is thought love is felt or given if it is to a lover, a child, one's family, or to those who think the same way as we do. Too often, we withhold love from those who need it the most. Questions I have asked myself: Can I love the derelict on the street? Am I able to love someone who is crippled, ugly and deformed? Can I love a murderer? Can I love a rapist? Can I love a beggar? Can I love one who has opposing views? Can I love an abuser? Can I love a raciest, a bigot, a liar or a pornographer? These are some of the questions I have asked myself when I am tempted to condemn and judge. This does not mean I have to love and approve of their behavior or their actions.

Gratitude is appreciation. If you are reading this, then it indicates you are alive. Be thankful for life. I can look back on all the adversities in my life and realize they have brought me to this point in my life. I can now see the jewels of wisdom that emerged from them. By being a shift-changer, your own life will change. Are we seeing the glass half-full, or are we seeing it half-empty? The majority of people do not realize that by changing one attitude—one belief that they make a difference in the world.

Recently I re-read Morning of the Magicians and came across this quote from an obscure book titled Where is the World Going? by Walter Rathenau who was assassinated in 1922. This
most troubled epoch is worthy of respect, because it is the work not just of a few people but of humanity; and thus it is the work of creative nature—which is cruel but never absurd. If this epoch in which we are living is a cruel one it is more than ever our duty to love it, to penetrate it with our love till we have removed the heavy weight of matter screening the light that shines on the farther side. Even the After contemplating this quote, I realize that in order to have freedom and peace, we must indeed love our enemies even though we do not condone their actions. We must look beyond the surface and see the core of them—the connection to the Creator. This does not mean we have to invite them into our homes, but we can love the hidden divine spark in them.

How do we deflect anger, hurt, and attacks? We do not retaliate. Instead, we send out the frequency of love and it is said love conquers all—a quote from Virgil's Eclogue X--his poems Eclogues. The frequency of love is higher than the frequency of hatred. We only give power to hatred when we accept it. We also give gratitude for who we are, what we have and the mind to focus and create a shift in this world. Please join me in this project. The greatest of things are achieved with a light heart. – Ramtha
Bettye Johnson


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Last spring during a book signing, I noticed a man wearing a baseball hat with the word Imagine emblazoned on the front of it. I complimented the man on his choice and he promptly took it off and gave the cap to me. I wore the cap a few times and it wasn't until this past week that someone noticed the words on the cap and thought it was Imagenie. We commented on the word and I began thinking about the power this one word has. Imagine.

I have a love for words and when I began examining the word, I realized it is filled with power. The first two letters are im or I am. I am is a decree. When ever we say I am sick, behold--we are sick. We can also say I am wealthy and if we accept it, then we are.

Embedded in the word imagine is the word magi. Magi has an exotic sounding and this is primarily from being mentioned in the Bible as the wise men who came to see Jesus when he was born. Where did they come from? Some say from Persia. I have my own interpretation and that is the Magi were teachers from the Ancient Schools of Wisdom and Jesus learned from them.

Another word within the word imagine is magic if we add the letter 'c'. Ah, the magician who conjures up something miraculous. Many people of today look upon them as illusionists or charlatans. Some could be and then, there is a latent magician within each of us waiting to be used.

Returning to my friend first seeing the word Imagenie on my cap, we can now see that by adding an e that we now have I'm a genie and as I have written in my book Awakening the Genie Within, it is true. Each of us has the power of imagination to bring forth that which we truly desire when we can put away doubt and fear. The genie is the spirit within--the giver of all desires if we don't cancel them out with doubts and fears. We are the genius, the magi, the magician and we only have to imagine by placing a visual image behind our forehead. Voila! We have the Magic Key to the future ~ Imagine.
John Lennon's songs are filled with magic. Here are the words to his Imagine. Enjoy.

Imagine ~ John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Monday, September 15, 2008


This morning the thought came to me about our invisible life. Few of us give much thought to how much of our life is invisible. We are caught up in what we see, touch, feel, taste and smell. I contemplated the invisibility of my life and came to the conclusion that each of us lives in a world that is mostly invisible. For instance, we live in a web of entangled rules and regulations. These came about because someone or some group created them and put them down on paper. These laws and regulations only exist on paper. They are not tangible, but the majority of us accept them. Have you ever actually ever seen a law? What does it look like? We only know the consequences if we are caught not obeying the law or the regulation. Thus, we are governed by a belief system that is invisible. Sometimes these invisible laws appear to strangle us.

Another invisible belief is debt. Have you ever seen a debt? It only exists due to a belief system that if we purchase a piece of property and do not pay cash for it, then we get a mortgage and a debt with interest. Where does the debt exist? There are words and numbers on paper and an entry on a computer. The same goes for a credit card, and if a payment isn't received on time, then we have to pay more. Debt is not tangible. It is only something we believe is real.

Money is also invisible and only represented by a coin, paper and our agreement that it is real. Have you ever seen actual money, or are you accepting coin, paper and credit cards as money? It is something to think about.

Our lives are governed by what we agree to and accept. People's lives are governed by invisible beliefs and customs. Religions tell us that God is outside of people and only a priest, preacher, pastor or minister can interpret what God's laws are and how we should live. Have you ever wondered how they know that God is outside the human? It is all invisible information handed down in ignorance. The Holy Bible was written by men and re-interpreted by men down through the ages. It is only a road-map or a treasure map according to what one's beliefs are.

The beliefs we accept are invisible and operate on a frequency. It is similar to a radio frequency. It depends on what station we are tuned into. Our emotions determine our frequencies. Our emotions are invisible, but we experience the frequency of the emotion. Too often people get stuck in their web of unseen frequencies and become ill, feel like they are tied down by responsibilities, hate their jobs, hold on to grudges, anger, hatred, sorrow, regret, guilt and these emotional frequencies only tighten the invisible noose of the frequency web.

When we say I can't or it is too hard, then it is because of the frequency emitted. However, if we turn it around and say or think it's possible or I can, then we allow new possibilities to come to us. It has taken me a life-time to arrive at these conclusions that I am sharing now.

First, I want to point out that we are living in a world of positives and negatives, which are something like a see-saw. When our beliefs, thoughts and words we say reflect negatives then we tap into that frequency. The same goes true for positive and this means that we will have our ups and our downs. When we recognize that our ups and downs are created by our thoughts, words and beliefs, then we can change and ride the wave, so to speak.

Too often people will think that by being positive all the time is the secret, but unless our basic beliefs are changed we bounce back and forth. I have changed a multitude of beliefs and it is something like peeling an onion--layer by layer. The more I become detached and observe a belief or a situation, the more I am at peace within myself. Peace is born within the mind and we are the creators of our mind. It is something to think about.

Peace be unto you.

Monday, August 18, 2008


On August 27, 2008 the planet Mars will appear to the naked eye to be as large as the moon and therefore it will look as if there are two moons during August. Mars will be 34.65 million miles from Earth. Synchronicity of this is that I had been researching about blue moons! Here is my research and this Mars event is once in a blue moon.
Have you ever wondered what the phrase means, once in a blue moon? In my research, I learned that it means an irregular timed full moon that occurs every two to three years. A full moon is usually a 30-day cycle with about 11 days left over. It is said that these days carry over and there occurs two full moons in one month. Thus came the saying, once in a blue moon. Apparently there is a blue colored moon and it is a rare event when it literally becomes visible. The first photo on the right is a NASA photo.

No, the photo shown on the left is not a blue moon. It is a photo of the Earth taken by a satellite and it is titled the Blue Marble. In 1933, Bing Crosby made the song Where the Blue of the Night popular and the lyrics go on to say Where the blue of the night meets the gold of the day. I take it to mean it is the brief moments just before the sun goes down beyond the horizon and the descent into night.

The second NASA photo on the right is of a blue sun. The photo was taken when the sun was emitting extreme ultraviolet rays. These colors for both the sun and moon happen when they are going through phases of the Visible Light spectrum and do not often occur.
With the blue moon metaphorically described as a rare event, there is also the apt description of a blue rose. A true blue rose is rare and its meanings are mystery, impossible and enchantment.
In researching the various meanings of terms we use, I wondered where the term Blue Monday came from and apparently Monday is considered to be a sad day because people have to return to work after a week-end. This led me to the term I feel blue. The original meaning came into being from rains and thunder storms. It is the hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo. Therefore people began thinking of it as dark and dreary. Feeling Blue is also associated with a custom among old deep water sailing ships. When a ship lost the captain or any of its officers during a voyage, the ship would fly blue flags to and also have a band of blue painted along the ships hull when it returned to its home port.
In Greek mythology, it is said the god Zeus would make rain when he was sad and a storm when he was angry. old deep water sailing ships. Therefore, the feeling said and using the word blue goes back to ancient times.
This leads into singing the blues. The genre of Blues is attributed to African-American music, which came into popularity as far back as 1912. It originated during the times of slavey when the slaves sang work songs, spirituals, field hollers and shouts and chants. It has within it a blue note that is sung or played at a slightly lower pitch than that of the major musical scale. The Blues has become the roots of jazz, rythm and blues and bluegrass to name a few.
Blues may be associated with sadness, depression and loss, however from this terminology I can see a depth of beauty that is unsurpassed. It is all an interpretation.

Monday, August 11, 2008


As I peruse Internet and blogs, I am noting that many people give their power away to something outside of them. During the early days of my awakening, I investigated many avenues and realized that they were things and people outside of myself. There are a number of beliefs that by chanting a mantra, using crystals, using crosses, bibles, fortune tellers, tarot cards, horoscopes and other modalities that one's life will change for the better. Perhaps it will--for awhile. It was as though someone or something outside of me would do the changing for me. At first I thought there was something wrong with me until I realized that there is something right about me. I was awakening into my power.

We also give our power away to the medical profession, i.e. physicians and medications. As I peruse these blogs and articles, I sigh and wonder when will people become aware that the power is really within them. However, as the supposedly "good book" states, It is done unto you as you believe. This is a truth. If one accepts, which means believes a death sentence given by a physician, then the person will die. I know, because my deceased sister accepted this sentence and refused to accept prayers from various religious denominations or even attempted to use another modality of healing.

This goes also for diets and dieting. I know that diets are never lasting unless the root cause is realized and dealt with. We think we are overweight, but according to whose standards? When we accept someone's reality that an ideal weight is such and such, then we have given our power away. If we think we are not pretty or handsome, and we fall into the trap of using the right code of dress, hair style, etc, we are giving our power away.

The power within us is powerful and just waiting to be acknowledge. It is time for us to think for ourselves and not let special interests or people dictate to us how to think, act or dress. There is a genie lurking inside of us just waiting to be activated. We never have to be abused and we never have to be 'put down.' It really comes down to beliefs and attitudes and these we can change. What is it that we accept? What is it we want to change? How to we regain our power?
I share my journey into awakening in my book Awakening the Genie Within. I share tools that I used to help me. Change is an inside job and by changing our beliefs, we empower our self.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Extraterrestrials - Friends or Enslavers

To the left is NASA's photo of the Earth - labeled The Blue Marble. It is gorgeous. Have you ever wondered why there is such a proliferation of extraterrestrial visitations and interest? Their visitations are recorded back into ancient history. Earthlings were primitive beings 450,000 years ago when the Annunaki from the planet Nibiru discovered the Earth while seeking gold to seed the atmosphere of their planet whose elongated orbit needed it to bring light when the planet was its furthest from the sun. I won't go into the history of the Annunaki because Zechariah Sitchen's books give excellent information about the settlements and also how the eartling inhabitants were genetically engineered with the Annunaki to bring forth the human form as we know today.
The chief scientist was a woman named Ninhursag or Mammy. She, together with her half-brother Enki created a worker being for the gold mines and we evolved. They did not create the intelligence that inhabits the body. No, we are inhabited by our individual connection to the Great Creator that some call God. Therefore, we are gods operating a human body through our brain. I have heard Ramtha say that the human brain is the greatest computer ever created. In fact, the human brain has unlimited possibilities.
What does this have to do with extraterrestrials, or ET's? For one thing, there have been visitations for eons. There has been numerous books written about them, in addition to movies such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind-1977 by Steven Spielberg. Spielberg went on to make E.T. and the Star Wars movies. In addition we have Gene Roddenberry's great television series Star Trek. The movies and the television series sparked an interest in the minds of the American public. Are these movies only entertainment, or are they giving us a message?
We also have many reports of alien abductions, cattle mutilations and the suppression by our government re UFOs and Area 51. I have read countless articles and books. I have watched videos and I did this as an observer, because I wasn't too sure who were the good aliens and who were the bad ones. Recently a friend loaned me a book and this book sparked an interest in me. I felt like that at last, I had an answer to many of my questions.
Actually there are two books by Marshall Vian Summers titled The Allies of Humanity - Book 1 and the same title - Book 2, which have given me a different perspective than most books and reports. There are numerous civilizations living in this quadrant of the Milky Way. Why would we need to contact them with radio when they can read our minds? I now understand that Star Trek and Star Wars do have some merit, because these civilizations of entities do travel around the galaxy on trade routes and conducting commerce. What is their commerce? Technology, resources and biological resources.
Yes, they have given governments of the planet technology with Hitler being one. No wonder our government doesn't want to admit that they are here, because we are getting technology from them all the time. This planet is a jewel and the earth resources are tremendously prized. The biological resources of this planet are prized too--especially the humans.
I contemplated what I read and I realize that we humans have a superior brain that can access anything and anywhere. Why is it limited? We have been kept dumbed down and therefore we are an enslaved species. For the most part, we humans have been kept in the syndrome of good and bad. There have been wars for eons. Our focus has not been on developing our minds, which is done by using our brains. Our brains have endless neuron networks. In my father's house are many mansions, and these mansions are visited when we change our attitudes, our beliefs and become open-minded to new ideas and new concepts.
Summers who writes for the Allies wrote: "Knowledge is the only part of you that cannot be manipulated or influenced. It is the source of all wise understanding and actions." Knowledge in this context refers to spiritual Knowledge--not religion. There is a vast difference. Spiritual Knowledge is to realize that the Creator or God resides within each individual and can be accessed at any moment. We do not need a religion to interpret for us. The Allies gave three principles to develop within each of us individually and those are Knowledge, freedom and strength.
Strength can imply different meanings. For me, I interpret this to mean developing the power of my mind and I know I won't do this if I hold on to the past, fear, anger, resentments, being a victim to whatever we think prevents us from living a life of joy and abundance. There is no savior outside of our self. We have to be our own saviors. If we do not develop this aspect of our self, then we become enslaved to the whims and ideals of others and this includes those who do not live on this planet. It is something to think about.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Captured Minds

Yesterday I was reading an article by the late Alan Watts, a philosopher. It was a brilliant short piece about men's clothing. I learned that it was in England where the sobriety in men's clothing began in the 19th century. Watts derided the shackle business suits are for men. What does this have to do with captured minds? Think about it. Very little has changed in the style of men's suits since Beau Brummel first made them popular. I remember noticing on a trip to Germany in the late 1970's a group of businessmen in a posh hotel bar and they almost looked cloned in their dark suits--black or dark gray--and white shirts with a conservative tie. This style of dress for men has a subliminal message of power and of course, if a man in business in the corporate world wants to get ahead, then he must dress conservatively. He wants to be one of the 'boys.'

This subliminal message spills over to their private lives. The majority of men fall for the subliminal programming that a man must be macho, he must be the boss of his woman or the women who work for him. Included in this is the military and their brutal programming and they have to have it in order to kill the enemy. A majority of men come under the spell of sports, video games, hunting, partying, bars, and seducing women, while others are derided because they enjoy other pursuits.

It is no wonder that we have temper-tantrums of rage and there is now an epidemic of road rage, office rage, golf rage, wife beating and other forms of rage. It is a sickness of the spirit and most men do not recognize it and have no knowledge of how to deal with their rage. They succumb to alcoholism or drug abuse.

Women have been taught to suppress their rage, but they have also been programmed by society, religions and advertising. Women's rage comes out in various forms such as jealousy, petty gossip, envy, nagging and thinking they have to please a man or look good to attract a man. Women are emerging into the realization that they are intelligent and yet, they fight the battle in the business, scientific and government worlds. It's hard for men who are entrenched in those areas to accept that women could be smarter than they are.

The abuse of women in relationships has become rampant and if you beat someone up enough, then the brain goes into a mode of acceptance and it is difficult for a woman to leave the abuse. Many women also succum to alcoholism, drugs and abuse their children. Theirs is indeed a captured mind. Change is possible and it takes courage to move from abuse to wholeness.

I have written a book about changing the mind. It is a simple book filled with tools I used in my own journey from ignorance into knowing. The title is Awakening the Genie Within. Most people only need the desire to change because they realize their life is not working for them. I understand and this is why I am sharing a portion of my awakening. This book has just been released and is not available on or yet. However, it may be purchased from my website

The book is a roadmap to freedom of the mind. Enjoy and your comments are appreciated.
Bettye Johnson

Saturday, July 26, 2008


There is a proliferation of rage incidents that has become a world-wide epidemic. Have you ever wondered what is underlying cause is? Within the past year there are news reports of increasing road rage. In fact, someone smart sicko has produced cards that one can display that has a vulgar remark printed on it. Road Rage has expanded to include Office Rage and with the domino effect we now have Golf Rage along with rage in the waiting rooms of medical centers, an increase of rage and abuse in air travel with the latest form of rage reported in Florida. A man became enraged because his lawn mower would not start. He went into his house and got his shotgun. Yes, he actually shot his lawn mower several times.

Acts of rage are spreading all over the world including Russia and the UK. I have noted that the majority of rage incidents are perpetuated by men. Why men? If one reflects on history, men were taught to suppress their emotions and especially the military. I was married to a career U.S. Marine and I know. Fortunately he was away two-thirds of our marriage and I was able to raise our sons the way I wanted to. I allowed our sons to express emotions. They are very male-oriented and now married.

It is very moving to watch the Marine Silent Drill Team with every Marine like a robot. Yes, a robot--only human. Military men are taught to kill the enemy and the outcome is damaging to the male psych, because it suppresses emotions. The military men of today are flooding the Veteran's Hospitals and the increase of suicides is becoming rampant.

We also are seeing an increase of abuse of women and children by men and in wondering about it, I have realized that men have been spiritually abused by not only the military. Within every male and female there is a Spirit--a Divine Spirit that is part of the Creator. Some label this Spirit/Creator as God and think that the God they believe in is the only God.

Spiritual Abuse has been going on for eons and now it is erupting into rage, illnesses and suicides. This is more evident in the male than the female. Men have been programmed to war, sports, movies of action, which are really violent, television, the news media and advertising. Just as the Marine Silent Drill Team move in unison like robots, men are prone to violence when deep within them there is their spiritual side crying to be released.

Think of the word ill. Break it down and it means I lack love--love of self. Everyone has a piece of God lurking inside of them just waiting to be acknowledged. Everyone has a direct connection to God or the Creator. As a co-pilot, everyone has a Soul dwelling within. The Soul is recording every word spoken and every thought. Unfortunately, through the ages God has been thought to be a He or a Him and living somewhere up there with an eye checking to see who has been naughty and who has been nice. This is Spiritual Abuse at its extreme limits.

Spiritual Abuse is perpetuated by religions, which are man-made. When a religion teaches that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, then that is abuse and robs the individual for taking responsibility for their actions. If a religion teaches that man (women too) is a sinner, then that is spiritual abuse. If a religion teaches that one can go to hell and there is a devil, then that is Spiritual Abuse. The primary culprit of spiritual abuse is teaching people that God is outside of them and promoting prejudices, judgements, bigotry, and discrimination.

Religions have taught that men are superior to women. One only has to read the Bible and especially the Old Testament where they teach that Eve seduced Adam. Some even say that the downfall of man stems from this myth. Adam was the first being created and in order for there to be procreation, a female was created and labeled Eve. Eve was the evolution of Adam. She is the one who had the ability to think faster. (I go into this more on another blog:
To add to this postings, on this last Sunday in Knoxville, TN, a man went into a church and killed two people in the congregation because of the church's liberal position. The gunman was frustrated about being out-of-work and resented the church's advocation of women's and gay rights and the establishment of an American Civil Liberties Union chapter. The actions of this man is a result of the spiritual abuse I have written about.

From my 79 years of living, I have learned that to emerge from spiritual abuse that one must become a seeker and give up guilt, resentments, jealousy, envy, greed and thinking one is better than another. This is when the Spirit emerges. Meister Eckhardt once wrote: The greatest prayer is two words - Thank You.

For more insights, please read my newest book, Awakening the Genie Within. It is available for purchase from my website:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Psychological, Mental, Whiners Equal Recession

Have you ever wondered how politicians come up with the spin they do? The latest spin is the use of two words: mental and psychological in referring to the slowdown of the U.S. economy. George Bush has used the word psychological in referring to the recession as well as McCain. Phil Graham, who resigned as one of Bush's advisers calls it mental and Americans whiners. I have noticed that slowdown is replacing recession. Is it really a slowdown with banks closing? Is it really a slowdown that major chain stores are closing all over the country? A few of the retail stores closing many of their stores across the nation are Gap, Eddie Bauer, Lane Bryant, Fast Locker, Home Depot, Macy's, Pep Boys, Starbucks and Wickes Furniture and Levitz along with Zales are going out of business. JC Penney, Lowes and Office Depot are scaling back.
If you look at the list, one can perceive that clothing stores, home improvement and furniture stores are the hardest hit. With the high cost of gasoline, oil and food, one wonders about their mentality. Could it be that the three men mentioned are the ones out of touch with the reality of the American public? Are they the ones who have a problem with being mental, psychological and whiners? It really is something to think about. It makes one wonder if there is anyone home or are they out to lunch.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Awakening the Genie Within

Have you ever wondered what happens when a forty year old woman awakens to a genie lurking within her? Two time award-winning author Bettye Johnson answers this question in her soon-to-be released first work of non-fiction Awakening the Genie Within, A Journey of Discovery, a semi-memoir of Johnson's journey into a world of manifested words and thoughts. Johnson's book Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls is an Independent Publishers Book Award Winner 2006 and its sequel Mary Magdalene, Her Legacy an Independent Publishers Book Award Winner 2008.

Suzanne Fairbrother, Ph.D., author of the best-selling book The Goddess Within, says "Awakening the Genie Within is a delightful presentation of the accumulated wisdom of a life well lived. Bettye Johnson's book shows us how to live our lives more powerfully." Johnson's book covers a span of her next 39 years of developing the genie within and shares her experiences, the tools she used and the wisdom gained during a fascinating journey of discovery. Bettye Johnson's life is a woven tapestry experiences that moved her from the cotton fields of Texas to working as a code clerk in the embassies of Paris and Tokyo where she received an uncommon education. Her background includes being a wife of a career military man, mother, government worker, minister and author.
ISBN 978-0650454-4-5 $17.95

To place orders for the book, contact: Living Free Press P.O. Box 97 Rainier, WA 98576 (360) 446-3032 Fax (360) 446-0284 e-mail:
For a review copy of Awakening the Genie Within, contact Living Free Press,, 360-446-3032 FAX 360-446-0284 URL:
To arrange for book signings, speaking engagements or interview, contact Bettye Johnson at or