The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Have you ever wondered what your mental equivalent is?

Yesterday as I was cleaning around my bookcase(s) a small booklet fell out. I picked it up, looked at it and I thought “Hmmm. There are no accidents.” The title of this small booklet is The Mental Equivalent by Emmet Fox. Not too many people have heard of Emmet Fox. In the first half of the last century, he was very well known. Born in Ireland, he made his way to the
U. S. and in 1931 he was ordained a Divine Science minister by founder Nona Brooks.

Fox has been labeled an author, teacher, minister, healer and mystic. From my perspective, he was all of these things. He is best known for his book Sermon on the Mount. He has also been called a New Thought minister/teacher; however he labels himself as a metaphysician in this small booklet.

He has crammed into this booklet a powerhouse of information in a concise form. He was saying the same thing that The Secret and other books have said. Fox at one time held services in the Manhattan Opera House in New York City with 4,000 to 5,000 attending each service. His message was simple.

My understanding is that what we experience in our outer world has a mental equivalent in our inner world. Our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes create our outer world. If one has a health challenge and the desire for wellness is there, then the inner thought and belief must be changed to the mental equivalent of wellness. It is simple to say, however it take practice to change an entrenched attitude or belief. In other words, what are you giving attention to with your common thoughts? Is it lack? Is it resentment? Is it anger? Is it unforgiveness? Is it pain and suffering?

If there is a belief in lack, then the mental equivalent is revealed in your everyday thoughts and conversation. Most people enjoy talking about their woes and play the ‘ain’t it awful game.’ Worry and fear brings forth the mental equivalent in the outer world. I have heard people complain about their debts, never having enough money and they keep repeating this to other people. This only reinforces a mental equivalent of lack.

Fox gives the example of the trinity – or triad. There have been trinities in ancient Egypt, Chaldea and Babylonia long before the creation of Christianity. The Christian trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost was a plagiarism of ancient knowledge. The true trinity is father, mother and child – meaning that father represents the idea or the thought. Mother represents the activity. The mother carries the thought in her womb while nurturing it. The child is the demonstration or the manifestation.

To bring forth change, one must have clarity of what is wanted. Clarity is the handmaiden to intent. What change is wanted? To bring forth a dream or a desire, there must be attention. There must be an overlay of a new thought over the old thought. This is nourished with interest. How interested are you in having a change in your life? What interest are you showing? How much attention are you giving it? A lukewarm response won’t do it. There must be enthusiasm or feeling. Enthusiasm and feeling are not accompanied with emotion. Have you ever noticed that people who are doing what they love to do sparkle? Sparkle is the result of interest or giving attention to what they loved to do.

According to Fox, The law of mind is that you can only get rid of one thought by substituting another…For everything in life there has to be a mental equivalent. He goes on to say to change an attitude about mistakes is to look at them as learning experiences. Get the thought of what you want as clear as you can. Be definite but not too specific. Fox also wrote that there can be no sickness without fear. Fear and doubt are the blocks that one must overlay with what one wants to be or to accomplish.

In The Mental Equivalent, Fox reiterated over and over, Change your thought and keep it changed. As the piano teacher said, practice, practice, and practice. If a new mental equivalent is wanted, then the price is to give up the old and lousy. It is similar to turning in a used car for a newer model.

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Friday, July 6, 2007

What Is It To Live Joyously?

Have you ever wondered what it is like to live in Joy? I have and a number of years ago I came up with some personal rules for me that I will share with you now.
1. Every day I wake up and say, "Isn't life great!"
2. I try never to 'should' on others nor do I 'should' on myself.
3. I never hold on to grudges, anger or resentment. I have learned that those emotions only bring on illness. They hurt me more than they do others.
4. I never hold on to jealousy. Ditto for number 3. I have had a painful experience and learned.
5. I promise myself to be kind to me and never judge me for being right or wrong.
6. I practice watching the words I speak and think because I know they have power and the words and thoughts are what I attract to me.
7. I never should on me when I make a 'mistake'. It wasn't a mis-take. It was only an experience and I gain the wisdom. .
8. I remind myself to never say, I wish, I hope, or never to allow doubt come in. Instead, I remind myself to say, "I know."
9. I laugh a lot. I have been told laughter is from God.
10. I sing to myself: I am happy, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am wise knowing that the truth sets me free.

If everyone created their own personal rules for living, wouldn't this be a more interesting world?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Have you ever wondered who the gifted are? Creative and imaginative people are often not recognized by their contemporaries, family or peers. In fact, they are not recognized in school by their teachers either. Many of these gifted people are late bloomers in some their schooling stifled their creative processes. Consider some of these:
Einstein: Was four years old before he could speak and seven before he could read.
Isaac Newton: Did poorly in grade school.
Beethoven: His music teacher once said of him, "As a composer, he is hopeless!"
Thomas Edison: His teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything.
F.W. Woolworth: He got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21, but his employers would not let him wait on customers because he "didn't have enough sense."
Walt Disney: He was fired by a newspaper editor because he "didn't have any creative ideas." Art Linkletter tells the story of Disney taking him out to Anahim, CA to look at a big empty spanse of land telling him of his dream for a theme park. He wanted Art to invest in his dream and Linkletter turned him down. The rest is history.
Caruso: A music teacher told him: "You can't sing. You have no voice at all."
Leo Tolstoy: He failed college.
Werner Van Braun: He failed 9th grade algebra.
Adm. Richard E. Byrd: He was retired from the Navy as, "Unfit for Service" until he flew over both poles.
Louis Pasteur: Was rated as mediocre in chemistry when he attended the royal college.
Abraham Lincoln: He entered the Black Hawk War as a Captain and came out as a Private.
Louisa May Alcott: She was told by an editor that she could never write anything that had popular appeal.
Winston Churchill: He failed the 6th grade.
What does this tell us? Never give up. Follow our own knowingness and our dream. Never let anyone 'should' on your dream.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Have you ever wondered why you believe what you do? Recently I listened to an interview with Alvin Toffler, author of Revolutionary Wealth and other books. In this interview he referred to beliefs and gave some very interesting points that I want to share. Most people have no idea of why they believe or how they decide to believe. The following are two points are what I have thought about and I am now sharing.

*Authority. We have authority figures and too many people blindly accept what they profess to be true as their belief. I am an avid researcher and no longer do I accept anyone’s word. When I read a book and it has a bibliography, I often read or have read the same books listed and by doing so broaden my knowledge base so that I can decide for myself. I have learned that there are really no authorities on any subject and this leads into another reason of why people believe.

*Acceptance. We (collectively) assume that because someone has a power position that this person(s) is an authority. Therefore accepting someone’s power position empowers the power holder(s) and creates a belief that a person, institution, or group knows what they are talking about. As a child I accepted what I was told by my parents, my church, what I was taught in school and other sources. I am reminded of a song we were taught in Sunday school: Jesus loves me. This I know. For the Bible tells me so. This is blind acceptance. I also know that I accepted a belief that I could not talk to God because if I did, God would strike me dead. This was very confusing, but I accepted these two beliefs until I grew up and left home. My breakaway point came when I entered the Foreign Service of the U.S. State Department. I grew up in segregated Texas and many of my beliefs were uprooted when I was assigned to the embassy in Paris. This has led to an uncommon non-academic education.

Too often we accept a belief because there is a consensus – meaning we accept a collective opinion or a general agreement. We accept our beliefs for various reasons such as everyone say so, there is a consistency in information, the media promotion, the durability of a belief, and scientific research or someone has had a revelation. There is also the belief in superstition. Superstitions were instilled in me as a child such as don’t walk under a leaning ladder, don’t step on a crack or it will break your mother’s back, carry a rabbit’s foot for good luck and Friday the 13th was a bad luck day. It was years before I learned why Friday the 13th was a bad luck day. It was the day in 1314 when Jacques DeMolay, a Knights Templar was burned at the stake. Thus a myth was born.

Over the years my beliefs have changed drastically and I can attribute this to seeking knowledge and wanting to know. Because a doctor has gone through medical school, the majority of people assume he/she is an authority and believe what the doctor tells them. Doctors are not infallible. Too often they rely on what pharmaceutical literature and salespeople tell them. The doctors become overloaded in their practices and have no time to research for themselves, so they may prescribe drugs that have adverse effects on the patient. People misplace their trust in the infallibility of their doctor without doing some research for themselves. They do not seek a second or a third opinion. I have often wondered how many people have died needlessly due to a doctor’s mis-diagnosis or prescribed medications.

The scientific community is an interesting aspect. Rarely do scientists agree. Each has their own point of view or their belief. I remember reading an article some years ago that peanut butter caused cancer. Then another researcher said that it was healthy some years later. Another example is eggs. It came out from the scientific community that eggs were supposedly bad for people due to the cholesterol and some years later another study said they were healthy because they contained the good cholesterol. From my research, eggs are one of the healthiest foods one can eat. Even science is not infallible regardless of the number of blind studies.

Too many people place their belief in the infallibility of their religious authorities. As the one statement in the song I just quoted above states, “because the bible tells me so,” is an example. This is a major belief and it is a challenge to shake people’s beliefs because they have been taught to accept in blind faith thus creating closed minds. There is one thing that cannot be changed and that is a closed mind. It must be opened from the inside.

I can only come from my own experiences and research knowledge. When I left Texas, I opened my mind to receive new information. This was the greatest turning point in my life. I put my beliefs I had been taught by my church on hold and became for a period of time an agnostic. An agnostic is not an atheist. I use this word in the sense that I was noncommittal. After I married and had children, I attempted to become involved in going to church again because I had a belief that my children should be exposed to religion.

My husband was a career military man and we moved often. Wherever we lived, I learned that my answers were not to be found in any church and I dropped away until in my late forties. When I reached my fortieth birthday, a thought would come to me that by the time I was fifty my life would be changed. This thought flitted through my mind off and on through the next ten years. At fifty my life had changed. In looking back, I can see Vietnam and the Watergate scandal contributed to my changes. I began to question. I also began a search for the spiritual aspect of myself. This led to a divorce and a year later I entered my ministry by being ordained as a Divine Science minister. This was another great turning point in my life.

My belief in my ministry was only a stepping-stone and I chose to retire from it. I had discovered that if I was going to stand up and give a message that I had to learn to live what I said. I knew I did not want to be a hypocrite. My late husband and I moved to Washington State after he retired over twenty years ago. I have been a student of an academy of the mind, the Ramtha School of Enlightenment for twenty years. Ramtha’s teachings have resonated within my being. He has taught me not to accept what he teaches us, but to research and to experience so that we know it ourselves. The following is a quote from Ramtha’s White Book.

Never believe in anything. Never! That is convincing yourself of something you have yet to know and understand through experience. And belief is very dangerous, because in belief, you are placing your life, your attitudes and your trust in something which is not founded itself as a truth within your being—which causes you to become very vulnerable. And in that state of vulnerability, you can be manipulated, accursed, damned, and can lose your life—all because of belief.

Know whatever it is you wish to know. And you can do that simply by asking for the understanding and then listening to the feelings within your being. Always trust the wisdom of your feelings. Never go against them and try to force a belief upon yourself that doesn’t feel good inside.”

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


The news that has been coming out the past few years - and especially this year, is that this food or that food is contaminated, poisoned or not healthy. Really? It is something to wonder about and I have. When I grew up all food was considered healthy. As a little girl I use to make mud pies and eat them - yes, eat them! I never did have worms or get sick. Oh, I had measles, scarlett fever, whooping cough and the chicken pox along with colds and flu. But that was about it.

I have heard it said that one should become a vegetarian. (dislike being 'shoulded' on.) I use to work at a holistic health center and was exposed to almost every modality of health and healing there was at the time. I also learned that prominent vegetarians died from cancer or leukemia. I also, in my research found out that meat is good because of the enzymes and proteins. I have also been told that one shouldn't kill the cows or animals for food. Really?

I have been taught that everything is alive and that there is some form of consciousness in everything, including a carrot. Have you heard the carrot scream when you pulled it out of the ground? Have you heard it scream when you juiced it? It is something to think about. Just because it doesn't make an audible sound doesn't mean it doesn't feel. How about the fish?There is a food chain in this world.

I wonder about the eating habits here in the United States. I am sure we are the sickest nation of people on this planet. All one has to do is drive around in the early morning, in towns and cities and see no empty parking spaces in the medical centers' parking lots or the hospitals. The more the pharmaceutical companies create new drugs, the sicker the population becomes. It is something to wonder about.

I have also read about other cultures in the world. The food eaten is vastly different from that in the western world and especially in the U.S. The news media is now releasing information about foods becoming poisoned or contaminated not only in the U.S. but in others countries. Have you ever wondered why? Could it be an accumulation of toxic wastes, pesticides and other contaminants?

Do I have a solution? I can only speak for myself and share my knowledge. I read labels. I am also aware that not all organic produce/fruits from foreign countries are totally organic because they do not have the regulations that fully control it, therefore I grow much of my own and I also buy locally. Farmers markets are a wonderful place to buy foods. I also preserve much of my food. Time consuming? Not really when one considers the other side of the coin. Those who live in cities can grow foods in containers. Container gardens are becoming more and more popular. It is very easy to become a fanatic about what we eat and this can become addictive and undermine our health in a sense.

I know that by blessing everything I eat or drink is powerful and can change the molecular structure of whatever I put into my mouth and body. Therefore I always bless my food and my drink for the health and nourishment it gives my body. This was the original intent of blessing one's food and giving thanks. Somewhere along the way the intent became changed to 'thanking God' for providing us for our food, etc. We have the power within us and the spiritual essence within each of us hears the message and does the work. It isn't some guy in the sky. Heresy? Only if you think so. I have been taught very well.

In the Bible, there is a verse that says "As a man thinketh, so he is." There is also another one that states, "It is done unto you as you believe." It is something to think about.

As a testimonial to myself, I will soon be 78 years young and as stated above, I have had few illnesses. I have had some broken bones, my tonsils out and an appendectomy. I refuse to live in fear. As my Teacher has said, "Attitude is everything." Life is a gift and to be treasured.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Something to Think About

Have you ever wondered what “I” means? We say I am, I did, I have and so on. Is it your name? Your personality? Or could it be that “I” is another name for God? It is something to think about.

The dictionary defines the word spend as: to use up, exhaust, consume, or wear out. Now apply the word spend to I spend my money…I spend my time…. We wonder why we never seem to have enough money or enough time. It is something to think about. Why not change it to I invest my time or I invest my money. It’s something to think about.

Have you ever wondered what your life would be if you had no shoulds and no should nots? Think about it. How would you live your life?

What benefits do you reap with every negative thought or emotion you think or send? What if you sent out thoughts of love or do an act of kindness to someone and also to yourself? What would be your loss? To give up negativity you would lose stress, anger, sadness, fear, lack to name a few. What would you gain? It’s something to think about.

An ancient Chinese proverb says: Consider the patience of a mulberry leaf in order for it to become a silken garment.

Water without movement becomes stagnant. The same applies to the mind. It’s something to think about.

There is an old saying: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink… Perhaps this means we have free will in every aspect of our life. It’s something to think about.

An interesting observation is that the sun is referred to as a he, whereas the moon is referred to as a she. Therefore why is it we are told there is a man in the moon? Have you ever wondered why? It’s something to think about.

Why is it that when we first hear of a new concept or a new philosophy it sounds like a foreign language? It is only when we persist to know, do we decipher and understand.

How can you tell if someone walking and breathing is dead inside? Look into their eyes. There is no one home.

The decline of a civilization is not a sudden happening. It is a slow insidious erosion and arrives at a dead end. When we become aware of the decline is when we begin to observe misplaced priorities along with the erosion of personal values and morals. When there is an emphasis placed on sensual pleasure, greed, power, war, and hypocrisy, then no civilization can last. It’s something to think about.

What do you think happens when you wake up one morning and realize you are no longer a victim and have never been? That on some levels you created it all? It means you have become born again and are expanding your mind and that is when you begin to truly live. It’s something to think about.

Do you know what makes a rare individual? It is stepping away from the sheep. In other words you are no longer a sheeple because you have developed your own mind.

Change is the metamorphosis of human into the realization of being an aspect of God. It is similar to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Have you ever wondered if the caterpillar experienced pain in its transformation? It’s something to think about.

The greatest opiates to the human brain are religions, television, competitive games, addictions to alcohol, drugs and the news media because in them there is no room for the expansion of Mind. It’s something to think about.

A philosopher is nothing more than a magnificent filing cabinet. It contains a vast amount of information with very little or no experience.

What is a wise woman? What is a wise man? Each is one who has lived life and gained the jewel of wisdom from each experience.

A wise woman and a wise man prepares and tends the soil of their mind without fertilizing it with toxic thoughts.

What is the greatest scapegoat created by man? Who else but Satan or the Devil. Both wield an immense power because man has placed the responsibility for his errors and evils on an illusion outside of himself. If Satan or the Devil were to exist, it would mean we have two Gods. The God of Evil and the God of Good. It is something to think about.

What is compassion? It is having the ability to observe from the Bigger Self instead of reacting from the emotions of the smaller self.

Have You Ever Wondered If People Are Cured of Cancer?

A Personal Miracle - by Bill D.

On April 3, 2007, I had a colonoscopy performed to locate the source of my rectal bleeding. The results revealed that I had a mass on the wall of my rectum that was about 1.2 inches in diameter and malignant.

The doctor who performed the colonoscopy referred me to a surgeon. We met in his office.

The surgeon informed me that my entire rectum would have to be removed and that he couldn’t guarantee that he could connect everything back together, which would mean a colostomy. He also said that although he does much of his surgeries laparoscopically, he would have to do open surgery for my case. I was stunned, in shock.

He further informed me that he wanted me to do six weeks of chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the tumor as much as possible before surgery. An oncologist would consult with me about the recipe for the chemo.

I told him that I was very resistant to both chemo and radiation. He became annoyed with me and told me that if I didn’t follow the standard protocol for my condition that I would experience “a terrible way to die.”

I left the surgeon’s office determined to find an alternative. I did have a CT scan done at his recommendation and a chest X-ray. Both were negative as far as any spread of the cancer is concerned.

A friend sent me a link to videos of a presentation given by Dr Bill Deagle that was made in December of 2006. There was a lot of information on the videos, some of which focused on how to remain healthy in a toxic world. Dr Deagle mentioned that he did telephone consultations, so I called him. When I explained my situation, he asked me to e-mail a medical history. He said he would put together some information for me.

When I got the information, some by phone and some in a report e-mailed to me, he told me about a woman in Little Rock Arkansas who cured cancer using light. Because my growth was only 2.5 inches from the outside, he thought that she might be able to reach it with her process.

I e-mailed this woman, Dr Carpenter (her PhD is in physics) to ask if she could help me. She called back and told me with utmost confidence that my tumor would be dead with only three treatments and sent me an information packet.

The packet explained that the treatment she had pioneered involved injecting the tumor with an agent that only the cancer cells absorbed. The tumor is then hit with a near infra red light. The light causes the cells with the agent in them to heat up and die. Normal cells are unaffected. I was intrigued.

After asking a few more questions and getting answers I liked, I decided to go ahead with the treatment. We scheduled three appointments for the week of June 11th.

The fee for the treatments was $7,000. Normally, it would have been $3,750, but I was going to need her anesthesiologist partner to do a block at the base of my spine for each treatment and that raised the cost.

I flew to Little Rock, found my way to her treatment center and had my first treatment on June 12th. It was painless and took about an hour. Dr Carpenter informed me that my tumor was flattening and that some of the tissue was already starting to look like normal tissue.

During the second treatment, Dr Carpenter told me that the tumor looked very different from the way it looked during the first treatment (a positive sign). I had one more treatment on Saturday, June 16th and then headed for home with my tumor completely dead. When I told her that I didn’t know how to thank her, she said, “Go home and have a good life.”

I was sore from the retractor that was used to open me up and from the injections of the pain killer. But it was nothing that Tylenol couldn’t handle.

I now am cancer free, can live a normal life (no restrictions) and I didn’t have to have toxic chemicals shot into my body or receive any radiation. I also didn’t have to have very invasive surgery, a long hospital stay or a bag attached to my side for the rest of my life. I will have about three months of continued bleeding as the dead cells are sloughed off by the body. That’s just an inconvenience.

If you know anyone who is facing decisions about cancer, I urge you to tell them about Dr Carpenter. You can check her out at At the present time, she cannot administer general anesthesia and can’t operate on most organs (she did cure a liver cancer because they knew where the tumor was located). The tumor has to be pin pointed and be no more than four inches from the surface.

Dr Carpenter has been fighting the medical establishment for 20 years. She is a warrior. I love her for her tenacity. She is the only person doing this therapy. It is called Light Induced Enhanced Selective Hyperthermia. She has a patent on this process. I bless her for her service to humanity. Bill
Pass this info on.

Welcome to Have You Ever Wondered?

Being an avid researcher, I have come across many pieces of information that people have often wondered about and have never taken the time to do the research themselves. In this blog, I will from time to time post articles that might shake the tree of someone's beliefs. I know I have been surprised at some of the things I have learned.