The articles posted are on various subjects that I have wondered about and now I want to share them with the reader.

Friday, July 6, 2007

What Is It To Live Joyously?

Have you ever wondered what it is like to live in Joy? I have and a number of years ago I came up with some personal rules for me that I will share with you now.
1. Every day I wake up and say, "Isn't life great!"
2. I try never to 'should' on others nor do I 'should' on myself.
3. I never hold on to grudges, anger or resentment. I have learned that those emotions only bring on illness. They hurt me more than they do others.
4. I never hold on to jealousy. Ditto for number 3. I have had a painful experience and learned.
5. I promise myself to be kind to me and never judge me for being right or wrong.
6. I practice watching the words I speak and think because I know they have power and the words and thoughts are what I attract to me.
7. I never should on me when I make a 'mistake'. It wasn't a mis-take. It was only an experience and I gain the wisdom. .
8. I remind myself to never say, I wish, I hope, or never to allow doubt come in. Instead, I remind myself to say, "I know."
9. I laugh a lot. I have been told laughter is from God.
10. I sing to myself: I am happy, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am wise knowing that the truth sets me free.

If everyone created their own personal rules for living, wouldn't this be a more interesting world?

1 comment:

GREGG said...

Thank you for your kind response and post on my 'Blog = : "Thank you Gregg for the comment you left on my blog about the Rose.
Life is an interesting journey and we can live in the mundane or we can seek knowledge and apparently you are a knowledge seeker. Keep on keeping on. Bettye Johnson".

I would appreciate the opportunity to comment further on 'Knowledge Seeker"; as there exists two very distinct (yet for many unknowingly: unified) Knowledge Fonts (Foundations,or the like): the first and primary being, That Which comes from beyond man's physical capacities and/or biological structures; and the second, that which 'man's brain' (mind) formulates through natural experience and events and his programmed (self-sculptured or most times inflicted through traditional educational, religious, and sector institutions)learning or indoctrinational brain-input.

The First, once identified as the One True Reality, leads the human brain to seek knowledge as a form of 'verifiable proof'; not to be considered the 'Seeking of a Knowledge not already in possession'. This desire to document the Knowledge I have, is in fact the bridge which has brought me to know of your existence in this World.

I appreciate your being a part of this Fact-finding Journey. However, I desire to state, that I am only (as 'man') journeying to where I know confidently to be.

I would hope, that you find it worth your interests in Life and Truth to stay in contact with each other.

The Best to You!